03. February 2024

Firmaidræt Slagelse - Next.js

React Hook Form

Link to website

The main objective of this project was to integrate Stripe as the payment gateway for a Next.js application. This integration aimed to provide a seamless and secure payment experience for users, allowing them to make transactions on the platform.


Learning Curve

One of the initial challenges was the learning curve associated with integrating Stripe. Understanding the Stripe API, webhooks, and implementing the necessary components required dedicated time and effort.

Security Concerns

Ensuring the security of payment transactions was a top priority. Implementing secure practices, such as using Stripe Elements for collecting sensitive information, required careful consideration and validation.

User Experience

Maintaining a smooth user experience during the payment process was crucial. Balancing the integration with the overall flow of the Next.js application and handling potential errors or edge cases were challenges that needed to be addressed.


Integration with Next.js

The project leveraged the capabilities of Next.js to create a dynamic and responsive web application. The integration with Next.js allowed for server-side rendering, optimizing performance and enhancing the overall user experience.

Stripe API Integration

The Stripe API was integrated to handle payment transactions. Stripe Elements were used to securely collect credit card information and tokenize it for processing. This approach ensured that sensitive information never touched our servers, maintaining a high level of security.

User-Friendly Interface

The payment process was seamlessly integrated into the application's user interface. Clear and concise feedback messages were provided to users at each step of the payment process, enhancing the overall user experience.


Firmaidræt Hero Banner made in MidJourney AI

To create some stunning visual to capture the audience attention from the very start of entering the website, I decided to go with MidJourney AI, since I very quickly could mock various image styles, and explain my colorscheme, so it would fit the website's design.

Content management

For managing of the sites content I decided to go with Sanity.io.

Sanity Studio is an open-source headless real-time CMS, that you can customize with JavaScript and React.

I could easily intergrate the CMS into the website itself, to create a more seamless experience for the editors working on the site.

All its content models are made from scripts, which can be version controlled using git.

Sanity.io CMS


The successful integration of Stripe as the payment gateway in the Next.js project yielded the following results:

  • Secure and seamless payment transactions for users.
  • Real-time updates and notifications through webhooks.
  • Improved user experience with a user-friendly interface.

Future Enhancements

To further enhance the payment system, future developments could include:

  • Support for additional payment methods.
  • Integration with subscription-based models.
  • Continuous monitoring and optimization for security.


The integration of Stripe as the payment gateway in the Next.js project proved to be a pivotal aspect of providing a reliable and efficient payment solution for users. Overcoming the initial challenges led to a robust system that meets both security and usability standards.

Claus Reinhold

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